Call 2011 Mobility focused on indentifying the challenges faced by NRAs in embracing new techniques to get the most out of the existing network and assist road authorities in identifying feasible, valid and cost-effective solutions for key European roads. The programme was based on four objectives:
A) Impact Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
B) Effective Distribution of Road Authority Data
C) High Quality Traffic Management/Information Data and Incident Detection
D) Implementation of Short Term Prediction
The end of programme report is available here.
The programme funded five projects.
COBRA: addressed the question of how road authorities can position themselves to optimally benefit from changes in the field of cooperative systems and stay connected to the in-car developments. Project results available here.
QUATRA: developed procedures and software tools to measure and estimate the quality of incoming online traffic data in a freeway control centre; and develop a comparable service for the evaluation of urban traffic data for cities and their transport authorities. Project results available here.
RAIDER: aimed to improve incident detection systems by incorporating new technologies for road side systems and utilising in-vehicle systems and nomadic devices. Improvements in incident detection are expressed in terms of detection quality and the estimated costs and benefits of the detection systems. Project results available here.
SEAMLESS: built on existing research to further contribute to the business case and architecture for seamless traffic data dissemination services, and produced recommendations for harmonised protocols. Project results available here.
STEP: had the objective of implementing and testing representative solutions for real-time traffic modelling in an operational environment, for providing generic recommendations to European Traffic Control Centres (TCCs). Project results available here.