The aim of this research programme is to prepare the national road authorities on future challenges of connectivity, digitalization and automation to get to an autonomously well-managed traffic flow.

This research programme has the following sub-themes:

  1. Digital infrastructure
  2. Connectivity
  3. Traffic management

Following an open Call between 20 November 2020 and 26 February 2021, the Programme Executive Board subsequently selected two successful projects.

DiREC - DIgital Road for Evolving Connected and Automated Driving

Project partners: TRL (UK, coordinator), ARUP (Ireland), TU Delft (Netherlands), VTI (Sweden), VTT (Finland), FEHRL (Belgium).

Project results:

TM4CAD - Traffic Management for Connected and Automated Driving

Project partners: MAP traffic management (Netherlands, coordinator), Traficon (Finland), Transport & Mobility Leuven (Belgium), WMG - Warwick University (UK), Steve Shladover (USA), Hiranao Kawashima (Japan). 

Project results:


[PEB Members]