With an overall budget of EUR 1.17 million, the programme focuses on three key challenges:
A: Risk assessment and risk management
B: Environmental impacts of de-icing chemicals
C: New and emerging chemicals, including micro-plastic
The Programme Executive Board (PEB) brings together representatives from Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
The PEB has selected three projects which are all now underway.
An article on page 25-29 of this newsletter of the International Water Association, outlines the work of the three projects in this programme.
The projects are as follows:
PROPER – Road runoff pollution management and mitigation of environmental risks
The PROPER project focuses on risk management in partnership with stakeholders. The project is examining the following challenges:
Project results:
LUNT – Research the impact of roads and traffic on water quality
The LUNT is focused on the environmental impact of de-icing chemicals. The project will:
Project results:
MicropRoOf – Micropollutants in Road Run-Off water
This project is targeting the issue of microplastics and organic micropollutants. The project will:
Project results: