The overall objective of the EU supported project Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks (AM4INFRA) was to develop and launch a life cycle and risk based Asset Management framework approach enabling effective governance of transport infrastructure networks across Europe.

The AM4INFRA project (runtime: Sept. 2016 – Aug. 2018) has resulted in a common approach for asset management on transport infrastructure networks, built from the standing practices of five national road authorities that are member of the Conference of European Directors of Road (CEDR). The approach consists of a framework providing:

  • A common language: To learn and grow as European network agencies we need a shared understanding of how we manage networks on the basis of the commonalities in our approaches. This is provided through a common line-of-sight from policy goals of the asset owner to service levels of the asset manager, and operational instructions for the service provider (“from Minister to Market”). This concept provides the ‘grammar’ for our common language.
  • Supporting tools: On a more fundamental level tooling provides the insights on which decision making takes place. This tooling underpins the whole-life-cost and risk-based reasoning to optimize the use of our resources.  These are the ‘words’ for our common language.
  • Sharing data and information: The foundation of all is to enable understanding of data and information across our networks. This requires structuring and a dictionary for such data, as well as a generic blueprints and business cases. This provides the alphabet for our common language.
  • Learning from each other’s strengths: On the basis of our common language, (inter as well as intra organizational) learning and growing can take place. The asset management maturity assessments identified key areas to steepen the learning curve.
  • Learning-by-doing: By using our common language, and applying this in a real-life context, with a specific focus on the key areas to steepen the learning curve, direct progress can be made. These are demonstrated and verified in the living labs as performed.

The common framework will pave the way towards an integrated agenda such that it allows smooth functioning of the European transport networks, providing outstanding value for stakeholders and customers. The project consortium consists of 8 partners and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 713793.

Key deliverables are:


Other key outputs from the activity are shown on the project website here.
